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Esame Celta per l'insegnamento della lingua inglese


CELTA - Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, is the most widely recognised initial professional qualification accredited level 5 on the UK National Qualification Framework (NQF). The course provides initial training in TEFL, but will also suit those who are already in the profession but who have no formal or practical qualification.

Who recognises CELTA?

CELTA is accepted throughout the world by organisations which employ English Language teachers. The Cambridge CELTA is accredited level 5 on the UK National Qualifications Framework. Cambridge English Language Assessment also works with international ELT organisations to ensure the acceptance of CELTA globally.

Teaching Practice

Each candidate teaches for a total of six hours, working with classes at two levels of ability but three levels is normal with larger groups. When you change levels you also change tutor. Assessment is based on overall performance at the end of the six hours. You will teach for between 30 minutes to 1 hour with other candidates in a 1.5/2/2.5 hour lesson. The maximum number of students is 12 in any class. You will be observed by your tutor and the other candidates while you teach. This is followed by oral feedback with your tutor and the other candidates, and then written feedback from the tutor. Oral feedback is a time to be open to critical analysis of each lesson. Feedback is fundamental for your development, a moment to reflect on experience and learn but not always easy to do. Due to the fact that you teach with other candidates, group lesson planning is paramount. Although an hour is planned for this in your 9-5 day we recommend that you set aside time to plan with other candidates outside this time. As a rule of thumb, study time, beyond the timetabled 9-5 day, is at least half an hour for every hour on the timetable.


You are also required to observe 6 hours of professionals teaching, three of these are made available to you online and 3 are live at our centre. You may have to observe the live lessons outside the 9-5 timetabled day.


Over the duration of the course you are required to complete 4 assessed assignments ranging in length between 750 – 1,000 words.


Attendance of 100% is expected on the CELTA. As CELTA is a course-based award, absences may hinder a candidate’s chances of successful fulfilment of the assessment criteria.

Find out more about CELTA
